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Image by Vishu Joo
SVA-DharmaGurukulam (3).png

An Indic way of learning

Play. Learn. Grow. 

Day Scholar Gurukulam

SVA-Dharma Gurukulam is a holistic learning space for boys and girls of ages 6 & above till 12, offering Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) & NIOS Open Schooling education with a vision for children to become futuristic leaders rooted in the Parampara of Bharat. SVA-Dharma Gurukulam ensures development of the Panchakoshas: Annamaya (Physical), Pranamaya (Vital), Manomaya (Emotional), Vijnanamaya (Cognitive) & Anandamaya (Spiritual & Aesthetic) dimensions of vidyarthi.

Contact: +91-72879-73939 |

Location: Sivananda Ashram, Padmarao nagar Secndrabad.

Click here for Maps Link


Admissions open for both boys and girls. Admission age groups: Ages 6-11. 


True to the Bharatiya Gurukula tradition, we do not collect any fees. 

Time Table

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Why Gurkulam

IKS Subjects

Children learn from the traditional source texts in the following IKS Subjects:

Sanskrit, Bharatiya Ganita, Ayurveda, Nakshatra Vidya,

Yoga, Darshana Shastras, Itihasa & Niti
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Open Schooling

Children will be enrolled under National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) for grades 3 and 5. The choice of subjects will be recommended by the Acharyas based on the strengths of the children and their interests. 


Dharma Gurukulam focuses on all-round Panchakoshiya development and a subjective assessment report on the child's growth on the 5 dimensions is presented. Periodical worksheets, term exams in written & oral form and relevant Samskrita Sabha parikshas will be undertaken.


Introduce your child to Indic content which enhances critical thought, language comprehension, verbal memory retention skills, and decision-making. A Holistic Curriculum which is created by a team of experts from renowned institutions such as IITs and other top institutes.

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Education aspires to dive into the depths of wisdom, guiding young minds towards a lifetime of understanding, growth, and compassion. Through blending enchanting stories with timeless Vedantic principles, we aim to awaken self-discovery and nurture holistic development from an early age. May this journey ignite a spirit of lifelong learning, allowing each child to realize their role in the grand tapestry of existence and become creators of their own destinies.

Loation : Sivananda Ashram, Padmaraonagar

Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Swami Says "The purpose of true education should be to enlighten humanity, to destroy the lower nature, to better the social order and to promote human well being by training the student both for external achievement and for internal attainment. The consummation and test of true education is found in the all- round development of the faculties of knowledge, love and service. There should be a harmonious development of the head, heart and hands."

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